Our Portfolio


Slice is a digitally enabled platform that democratises real-estate investing by allowing customers in 188 countries to invest in professionally vetted fractionalised properties in under 3 minutes starting from $100.

A water management platform with solutions that have shown to cut water by 60%, costs by 40% and maintenance by 30%, Earthfokus focuses on retro-fit water-saving fixtures, IOT based water meters, water audit reports and acts as a water management platform for homes and businesses alike.

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Cohort 2_AmbiatorTiger Aster pic

Ambiator offers eco-friendly cooling with modular, scalable air conditioners. Equipped to function in hot, dry climates, Ambiator’s ‘smart’ products are solar-powered and work sans refrigerants/ compressor with a preventative maintenance cycle and carbon dioxide avoidance measurement.

At 1/3rd the cost, Zerotouch is changing the face of bathrooms with their smart, affordable toilets that consume 50% less water  and improve sanitation.

Cohort 2_Zero TouchVenkat Keetha
Cohort 2_Breathe ESGBreathe ESG founders

An all-in-one enterprise for sustainability management, Breathe ESG provides capabilities for data management, monitoring and 6X faster ESG reporting.

Openhaus accelerates property sales for builders and brokers via a next-gen digital storefront built around a shareable digital property card with verified, and immersive high-quality content. The platform has already helped developers achieve a 7.6x growth in lead-to-closure ratio.

Cohort 2_OpenhausOpenhaus founders


A shelter-tech start-up that manufactures innovative prefabricated, modular, temporary shelters that can be deployed anywhere. Modcave’s design allows the shelter to be compressed by 4x, enabling a 90% reduction in logistics and storage costs.

India’s fastest-growing, fully integrated platform for solar projects, Safearth encompasses procurement, EPC, as well as financing support for projects of any size. The start-up has already captured 6.67% in the C&I Rooftop Solar space and 5% In the overall distributed solar market in India.

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A new-age proptech start-up that is reimagining the co-living experience for urban professionals through data-driven models for property selection and differentiated community engagement.

A sustainability fintech platform that enables retail investors to help finance India’s growing renewable energy demands through fractional ownership of solar projects.

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Untitled design (6)Tell Us

A start-up that is working to solve India’s water shortage issue through its proprietary decentralised wastewater treatment machine that can be installed in any home. The machine is scalable to a community and municipality level and reduces water use by 40%.

A sustainable construction materials start-up that captures and converts waste plastic into high-grade, lightweight bricks that are 15% cheaper and 45% lighter than the industry standard.